So the other day I was in a heated debate with someone on a health forum about the benefits of eating a plant based diet and the dangers of eating any type of meat. I came across some pretty cool information that I would love to share with everyone. Without further a due:
Let's start off the teeth. Carnivores Teeth are pointed so it is easier to pierce into the flesh of another animal. Herbivore, and human teeth, are flat edged which are perfect for biting crushing and grinding.
The Jaw of a carnivore moves primarily up and down which aids in the process of shearing, ripping and tearing the flesh of another animal. While Herbivore, and human, jams can move side to side and back to front with ease which is perfect for chewing, crushing and grinding of grains. Animal flesh in its purest form, strait from the animal, cannot be crushed!
The saliva of a carnivore does not contain digestive enzymes although their stomach contains strong digestive enzymes and has ten times the hydrochloric acid as that of its counterpart the herbivore, and also humans. This means harmful things such as E coli, bacteria, salmonella, and campylobacter wouldn't stand the chance of surviving in the stomach of a lion.
Carnivore's small intestine is three to six times of its trunk. This is for the sole purpose of getting rid of food that roots quickly. On the other side Herbivores, as well as humans, small intestine is ten to twelve times their bodies so all the nutrients can be extracted from their food.
Carnivore's large intestine is short and one way like a lead pipe so fatty wastes high in cholesterol can get out before they putrefy. Herbivore's and humans large intestine goes in three directions, up down and sideways like a maze, to hold wastes longer to extract the fluids from water based foods. Foods high in fat and cholesterol therefore putrefy in the small intestine of herbivores for hours and then move onto the large intestine and get stuck in the pockets that line it.
These are just some of the differences I found between carnivores and herbivores. You decide for yourself whether or not we were meant to eat meat! Until next time, have a healthy day!
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