Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Unsuspecting Fan Gets Truckload of Wheat Thins
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Aubrey Update - March 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Free MySpace Layouts - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Your head hurts.
Your eyes are burning.
You feel a little sick to your stomach.
Yep. That's right. You just spent the last two hours searching for 'free myspace layouts' and you came up with bumpkiss, nada, zilch, zip, nothing. You may even be a little astonished that such a burgeoning scene can be so bereft of a truly valuable contribution. One would think that the arena would be overrun with opportunists trying to take the internet by storm producing whole collections --not just one or two here and there-- but whole collections of quality premade MySpace layouts.
One would think.
Well after engaging in some serious clanging of swords on the front lines of the MySpace layout battlefield for the past year, let me tell you where it's at.
Free MySpace layout makers generally fall into one of three categories:
The Good
Although these are few and far between, a small (and I mean very small) group of web designers will actually put some major effort into producing a collection of attractive and truly original MySpace layouts. The backgrounds are worked up from scratch and they are customized to fit well with MySpace profiles. On top of this, great care is taken to make sure the colors selected for the fonts are properly coordinated with the background image to make the text easy to read (a big problem on MySpace).
The Bad
A much larger group of web designers (and I use this term loosely here) will scour the net and download any and every image they can lay their mouse finger on. They focus heavily on celebrity and product photos (cars, motorcycles, beer, etc) and all of them, of course, are copyright protected. So what this essentially amounts to is theft, plain and simple. These images are then used in conjunction with some boilerplate CSS code which converts them into MySpace backgrounds. In some cases, these layout makers will even use the original web address of the 'found' image in their layout codes. So in effect they are not only stealing the image itself but they are also stealing the bandwidth of the website they found the image on. All of the above takes absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever so touting the finished pieces as 'original' or 'handmade' MySpace layouts is an utter sham.
The Ugly
This group of MySpace layout makers use the same tactics as 'The Bad' but will go one step further and use any and every black hat search engine optimization (SEO) trick in the book in an attempt to 'game' their MySpace resource sites to the top of search engine results pages. And unfortunately, many of them succeed. Search engines like Google and Yahoo still have a ways to go when it comes to weeding out websites that employ unscrupulous methods like keyword stuffing and multiple site networking.
On the bright side, search volume for the keywords 'free myspace layouts' is actually declining while searches for other related keywords is on the rise. This means that MySpace users are finally starting to realize that using the word 'free' is a waste of a good search term since 99.9% of MySpace layouts are free anway (assuming you don't count all the time you spent trying to find a good one). MySpacers are now starting to become much more descriptive with the adjectives they tack on to the keywords 'myspace layouts' in an attempt to find something that will truly adorn their profiles with an original, classy or professional look.
Hopefully this trend will continue and eventually make it a lot easier to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Monday, November 21, 2011
FOOD Bites: Homemade Wheat Thins w/ Cassey
Monday, November 14, 2011
Carnivores Vs Herbivores - Where Do Humans Fit In?
So the other day I was in a heated debate with someone on a health forum about the benefits of eating a plant based diet and the dangers of eating any type of meat. I came across some pretty cool information that I would love to share with everyone. Without further a due:
Let's start off the teeth. Carnivores Teeth are pointed so it is easier to pierce into the flesh of another animal. Herbivore, and human teeth, are flat edged which are perfect for biting crushing and grinding.
The Jaw of a carnivore moves primarily up and down which aids in the process of shearing, ripping and tearing the flesh of another animal. While Herbivore, and human, jams can move side to side and back to front with ease which is perfect for chewing, crushing and grinding of grains. Animal flesh in its purest form, strait from the animal, cannot be crushed!
The saliva of a carnivore does not contain digestive enzymes although their stomach contains strong digestive enzymes and has ten times the hydrochloric acid as that of its counterpart the herbivore, and also humans. This means harmful things such as E coli, bacteria, salmonella, and campylobacter wouldn't stand the chance of surviving in the stomach of a lion.
Carnivore's small intestine is three to six times of its trunk. This is for the sole purpose of getting rid of food that roots quickly. On the other side Herbivores, as well as humans, small intestine is ten to twelve times their bodies so all the nutrients can be extracted from their food.
Carnivore's large intestine is short and one way like a lead pipe so fatty wastes high in cholesterol can get out before they putrefy. Herbivore's and humans large intestine goes in three directions, up down and sideways like a maze, to hold wastes longer to extract the fluids from water based foods. Foods high in fat and cholesterol therefore putrefy in the small intestine of herbivores for hours and then move onto the large intestine and get stuck in the pockets that line it.
These are just some of the differences I found between carnivores and herbivores. You decide for yourself whether or not we were meant to eat meat! Until next time, have a healthy day!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tina is SO Tropical
Cheaper Martin Lx1 Saved Bonsai Gardenia Treadmills Ellipticals Save